< Custom Templates


Style guidelines for a less edgy, business oriented, design template


A custom design framework with a variety of color schemes and pre-built layouts to theme blogs and portfolios


A CSS framework for single page launch, landing, maintenance and about me pages


Custom Frameworks:

Each application-specific framework is optimized for speed. Templates are typically static although support dynamic web content. Designs are flexible, modular and support components from today's modern frameworks such as, but not limited to react or angular.

Web Components:

Custom user interactions, animations, and elements, built with standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to universally complete the user experiences. These visuals are divided among mulitple cascading style sheets and scripts to modulize and simplify the load overhead.

Dynamic Content:

These frameworks utilize JavaScript based dynamic web content that is stored and loaded from json files which can be statically sent or dynamically retrieved via API calls from external storage sources. Built with simplicity, flexibility, and application specific use cases to decrease the burden of large file sizes and load time from generic, bulky, open source libraries.
